Singhania Facilities Pvt Ltd

Furniture Treatment

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Furniture Treatment

Singhania Facilities understands the value of wooden furniture in both commercial and residential spaces. However, these prized pieces face a significant threat from pests, which can quickly turn them to dust. Detecting pest infestation in furniture often occurs too late, with over half of the furniture already damaged. To safeguard against this, Singhania Facilities offers comprehensive pest control treatments tailored to address the specific threats posed by different pests, ensuring the preservation of wooden furniture and its longevity.

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Row House / Bunglow

Wood borer control

This pest is also known as Powder post beetle. AS the name suggests, the beetle thrives in wood and turns the wood into powder. These beetles lay their eggs in wood.  Their larvae feed extensively in wood and turn the wood into powder from inside. If observed keenly, many tiny holes will be visible on wood borer infested wood. These are the exit holes from where the adult Wood borer exited after growing up fully.


  • A very fine yellow powder is seen coming out of these holes of such woods. This is the outcome of the larvae feeding on wood deep inside. They feed on slightly moist sapwood and grow into pupae. They come out when they are fully developed in an adult woodborer beetle.
  • Wood borer beetles must be checked in the beginning. Once developed, the furniture becomes damaged even after eradication of beetle.
  • Moisture level of the wood must be brought down to minimum before furniture making. The wood should be left in open sun to dry from inside, or put in some heating system to dry it up.
  • The furniture surface should be sanded or varnished. This prevents the woodborer beetle from entering and laying eggs in the wood.
  • Furniture should not be stored in places where wood borer are present. Furniture placed in dry, well lit places does not allow woodborer beetles to come near it. 
  • Woodborer beetle infested furniture making timbers should be burnt away. If not possible, proper fumigation method should be adopted to make them woodborer beetle free before taking them into use.
  • Borate insecticides should be used on the furniture. A recommended solution of borate insecticide should be sprayed on the furniture. It penetrates deep and stays there for several years.
  • Fumigation is a very effective anti wood borer beetle method. Proper fumigation will also get rid of woodborer beetles.

Termite control

Termites are also known as white ants. It is found in all environments, both in dry as well as moist areas. It is most dangerous enemy of wood, wooden structures and furniture. To control termites, one must.


Eradicate moist areas

All water leaking sources should be repaired.

Foundation must be dry.

Drainage and sewage should be properly functioning. 

Plants and vegetation should be removed.

Every water outlet must be clean. 

Stop entry of insects around water places.


Eliminate termite food

All debris near house should be removed.

Every stump of useless wood must be destroyed.

Wood must not touch the soil.

Screen must be used around vents and outlets.


Check Termite signals

Keep close observation for termite signals.

Look out for winged insects in the house.

Sound of hollow wood in the furniture. 

Mud tubes on the walls or discarded wings on the floor.


Use of Insecticide

A solution of borate insecticide is to be sprayed as per the instructions and intensity of infestation. This goes deep inside and protects the wood for many years. 



Fumigation is an effective method of termite control at the initial stage on surface area. It must be adopted frequently and repeatedly.

Carpenter bee control

  • These bees resemble common bees. They have a slightly different abdomen. They build their nests in hard woods. It can be both outdoorsy or indoors.
  • The nests of these bees are built inside wood in form of tunnels. These tunnels can be six to ten inches long depending on the width of wood. This tunneling inside wood makes the wooden structure crumble and the wood destroyed. 
  • The carpenter bees should also be treated with fumigation first. A couple of fumigations make the bees fly away. In case of persistence, a boiling water bath does the trick.
  • Generally, furniture is threatened by these pests.

However, a professional pest control service is the best help in furniture treatment pest control.